Funny interview with Mister Leather e Mister Rubber Italy
Imagine a Tuscan guy (ie Mister Rubber Italy) trying to interview a true Neapolitan with eloquence (ie Mister Leather Italy).
And suppose that, between jokes and jokes, slowly is the Neapolitan guy to interview the Tuscan one…
Well, this is the result: leather and rubber, family and friends, favorite dishes and fetishes.. a funny interview with Mister Mister Leather and Rubber Italy (or, maybe, a dialogue between wives?)
Well Neri, let’s start with a very serious question… be honest: you are not really 45, are you?.
I sure am… I have celebrated my Bday at Folsom… you attended as well!
That’s absolutely unbelievable. I look like your grandfather! The air in Naples must do wonders for you
True, the air of the gulf is wonderful for the skin… But wait… How old are you?
Actually32. Physically and mentally I am not sure… maybe somewhere between 50 and 60 years old. However, I am the one supposed to ask the questions… and don’t you know that it is very rude to ask the age to the interviewer? Moving on, are you currently single?
Absolutely… recently I can barely tolerate myself. And what about you Mr Rubber, any suitor on your way? Any fling?
You are too curious… I have just told that I ask the questions! Anyway, not that I know of. I would like to, but it is always difficult to fit the passion for fetish within a relationship.
And what if your boyfriend asked you to retire from the fetish scene… what would you do?
A guy asked me once… let’s just say we are both single again!
I would have done the same! Someone who really loves you would never ask something like that.
That’s true, but it is not always that simple… Think about friendships: do your friends know about your passion?
Yes, most of them know, others know but they pretend they don’t. On the other hand my mum is now an expert of the fetish world. She even knows the name of every outfit.

Friends are really special…during the past few months I have met many people, with different backgrounds, coming from all over the world and I got close with lots of them. Taking part in the contest of Mister Leather Europe has been absolutely important for that; it gave the opportunity to learn many aspects about the fetish community and to meet many people and misters from other countries. And what about your year?
Well, I have to say that it has been a really wonderful year. It was really intense, but absolutely extraordinary. I especially like the possibility to meet many different people, with different cultural backgrounds, coming from all over Europe and the world. Taking part in events in Europe, but also in Italy, helped me increase my friendships in the fetish community and this is great for a person like me, who may come across as really shy and clumsy at the beginning.
And now? What about your projects until the end of your year?
Hey…. enough with the third degree…. and, anyway, you should say “our projects”… you are not planning on leaving me alone now, are you? First of all, at the beginning of November we will go to Benidorm for the election of Mister Leather Spain 2017 and three weeks later we will take part in “Nice so Fetish”. And don’t forget all the Italian parties

And what about Naples, your city? How is the fetish scene there? For example, who was your inspiration there? How did your passion for leather begin?
Well, the fetish community in Naples is almost invisible, but abroad we are always in the frontline. Certainly the most important people who inspired me during my leather way have been Max and Vittorio, two dear friends. They are a sort of pioneers in Naples. My very first experience was in Berlin at Mutchmanns… you know, everything is easier abroad, particularly in Berlin. And you? How have you become the rubber man you are today?

Abroad as well. In Tuscany, the fetish community is mostly focused on leather. I really love it on others but it’s not for me. So when I was living in London, in 2009, I took part in a fetish event at The Hoist and I decided to buy my first rubber outfit. After that I got more and more involved. The real involvement happened after meeting Massimo, the former president of LCR… thanks to him I have discovered the Roman and the Italian fetish scenes. My rubber soul is his fault 🙂
We have been very lucky with our fetish path. Sometimes I think about what advice I would give to a young guy at his first experiences in fetish… I think the best thing would be to follow his will to explore, not thinking about brands, but just about what he feels when he puts on his leather or rubber.
I would also suggest attending the Italian fetish scene for two reasons: first of all new generations are always welcome and secondly because it’s the best way to learn, to meet people and make experiences. Moreover if you love leather this is even easier. Leather is completely accepted and you can always put it on… it’s a fetish easy to live, even if for younger guys is really expensive.

Neri, Neri, we need to stay PG… we can’t talk about those kind of things. And remember, I ask the questions and you answer… respect the roles please!
Oh please, don’t be shy Chris, my most outrageous sexual experience has been a quickie in a toilet for gnomes under the sea level
I can’t imagine a toilet for gnomes under the sea level. However I’m not sure that I want to investigate more on that subject.
Fair enough, so tell me, is there anything that you could never resist, something that would even persuade you to leave your sash?
Well, give me a slice of cake and we could reach an agreement…
Oh Chris…
I’m serious. Are you telling me that if you were, I don’t know, in Berlin for two months, and somebody offers you an equal exchange, for example your sash for your favorite meal, you would say NO?
Well Berlin cuisine is great…
Neri… please… come on…
Well, probably I could be tempted by a pizza with buffalo mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, sausage, and basil… but let’s keep that between us….
Oh, don’t worry, it’s just the two of us here… who could ever find out…