Solidarity Project
The project
This Covid-19 emergency period, which has now lasted for many months, has created and is creating many difficulties also for “our” traditional premises, which – after having been closed for a long time – find themselves able to open only for a few customers.
These places, and in particular the Skyline in Rome and the Depot in Naples, have always hosted and welcomed us over the past few years and stand as an important element of the fetish and gay community in general.
As Leather Club Roma we believe that in this period showing solidarity with those in need is an essential aspect for an association and that acting in solidarity is (and should be) a fundamental element of the idea of ”community”.
For this reason, Leather Club Roma has decided to produce and sell fancy backpacks, devolving the entire proceeds to the clubs that have supported us in recent years.

The results
We sold the bakcpalss in July 2020 and they went sold oud very quickly (less than 2 weeks), especially for the meny Europea friend wh bought them.
We also received some important donations from European friends.
n total, the fundraising (to which the Leather Club also contributed significantly) led to the collection of € 1,000, which were donated in equal parts to the Skyline Club in Rome and the Depot in Naples.
As a club, we are particularly proud of the success of this initiative and we say thank you to all the members and friends who have contributed to its success. Thanks to all of them from the managers and staff of the Skyline and the Depot.