23 October 2016

Funny interview with Mister Leather e Mister Rubber Italy

Imagine a Tuscan guy (ie Mister Rubber Italy) trying to interview a true Neapolitan with eloquence (ie Mister Leather Italy). And suppose that, between jokes and jokes, slowly is the Neapolitan guy to interview the Tuscan one… Well, this is the result: leather and rubber, family and friends, favorite dishes […]
27 April 2017

Pills of Joy: Mister Rubber Italy 2017’s interview

Let’s start from the beginning… How should we call you? Gennaro, Gen, Joy, Joy Gen? Please tell us as this is a doubt many of your fans have Ahahahahahahhaha well, we are really starting from the abc! So… I have always loved signing as “Gen”, because everybody calls me Gennaro […]