21 August 2020

Interview with Mister Leather Italia and Mister Rubber Italia 2019… and 2020

We spoke with Cosimo e John, respectively Mister Leather Italia and Mister Rubber Italia 2019, whose titles were extended to 2020. They talked about their fisrt year as mister and their hope for the future, considering such an uncertain moment for the Italian and international fetish community. Title, date of […]
13 July 2019

Interview with Sirius, Mister Puppy Italy 2019

Siriuuuuusssss??? Didn’t you think you could avoid this interview? Oh my God, the witch of Hansel and Gretel… That’s a bad start… anyways, tell me, should I begin with a “woof”? Everything starts with a woof. Woof to everyone! In my fantasies, a puppy is absolutely far from your physical […]
18 May 2019

Interview with Tommaso, Mister Leather Italia 2018

So Tommaso, it’s time to draw you own conclusions. If you had to describe your year as a mister with three words, which ones would you choose?  Inspiring, thrilling and exciting. Inspiring because, as I had a privileged point of view on our community, I could collect many different aspects […]
1 April 2019

Interview with Italian Fetishman of the Year 2019

A great interview with the newly elected as the first Italian Fetishman of the Year (IFOTY) by Leather and Fetish Milano e Leather Club Roma. The new mister speaks about his first months as a title-holder and about his strange relationship with ducks. Chris: Sooooo who should we thank for […]
27 April 2017

Pills of Joy: Mister Rubber Italy 2017’s interview

Let’s start from the beginning… How should we call you? Gennaro, Gen, Joy, Joy Gen? Please tell us as this is a doubt many of your fans have Ahahahahahahhaha well, we are really starting from the abc! So… I have always loved signing as “Gen”, because everybody calls me Gennaro […]
23 October 2016

Funny interview with Mister Leather e Mister Rubber Italy

Imagine a Tuscan guy (ie Mister Rubber Italy) trying to interview a true Neapolitan with eloquence (ie Mister Leather Italy). And suppose that, between jokes and jokes, slowly is the Neapolitan guy to interview the Tuscan one… Well, this is the result: leather and rubber, family and friends, favorite dishes […]